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With us, you won't just be seen — you'll be remembered!

Maximize performance of your campaigns and effectiveness of their budget with Awww advertising. Reach the audiences you’ve never been able to. On a scale that is incomparable. Crazy size of outreach via relevant streamers and influencers for your brand today.

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The video ad market is set to skyrocket from $53.2B in 2021 to

$712.6B by 2031

With Awertise, influencers can promote trusted products, ushering in a new era of social influence.

Digital Video Advertising Market Research

Our platform refers monthly up to

5M+ influencers

optimizing engagement and budget. Reach out to us for a customized solution tailored to your needs.

Lex Korzhenko, Awertise BD


Traditional live-streaming ads lack personalization, compromising user experience and draining budgets. Handling in-stream ads, particularly at scale, can be daunting with no effective alternatives.

Awertise is an in-stream embedded ads optimization platform that links brands with relevant streamers and audiences. We offer robust tools and AI for campaign management and Brand, Community, and influence unsafety mitigation. Our expertise in analyzing and optimizing data is proven, with high market success rates and demand data.

Years of expertise, extensive research, and a unique database arm us to tackle the live-streaming embedded advertising gap. Our confident team and market-admitted partners propel us as trailblazers in the industry.

We're set to connect streamers and advertisers like never before

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